Friday, February 8, 2008

Refusing To Engage

It’s not unusual for me to be reading along in the Scripture and hit a passage that I have a negative, knee jerk reaction to. For example, Paul tells us Colossians 2:16 to “let no one judge you…” then he gives us a list that we are not to allow others to condemn us for either doing or not doing. How do you do that? How do I stop another from judging, or condemning, me if that is what he is determined to do?

How many of you are growing weary of the term “gamer” being thrown around like it is the greatest insult small-minded people can think of. Any cowboy who is not “casual” in his approach to this game we play is in jeopardy of being tagged a “gamer”. The problem with the folks hurling insults is the same as the folks passing judgment on your actions. They draw their conclusions from their private stock of prejudices. It is an individual thing.

There is a quirky thing about human nature. The more you attempt to convince folks that you are right in what you are doing, the more convinced they become that you are wrong. So how do you respond to these folks who are determined to pull you down to their level?

The truth is, you can’t stop them. If their glass is half-empty and they are determined to attack you, there is little you can do to stop it. However, you can not allow them to be successful. In verse 18 of chapter 2 of Colossians Paul instructs us not to let anyone “cheat you of your reward…” Here is a hint to the truth of living. We can’t stop them from trying, but we can stop them from being successful.

I spent close to 25 years of my life in law enforcement which I describe as being a professional fighter. I was paid to do whatever I could at the moment to restore turmoil to peace and tranquility. Sometimes doing this was little more than reacting to the selfishness of a person running a red light, you know, he has a greater right to be there than you do. At other times it was engaging in physical combat. (In those days we could do that) In every instance the option not to engage was never a consideration. I had to – it was my job.

Since retiring, I find myself more and more reluctant to engage when someone is taunting me or attempting to cheat me. I find it much more to my liking to follow the instructions of Jesus to shake the dust from my feet, turn and walk away without response. It’s tough to argue with someone when they’re walking away from you.


Anonymous said...

I agree completely. Sometimes it is just better to walk away without comment. But, when they just will not leave it alone, be the best adversary you can be!

Anonymous said...

What is the reward we are cheated out of?

Anonymous said...

Colossians 2:18 is one of the much debated verses of Scripture in the New Testament. I prefer to apply the principle to Sanctification, i.e. our growing more like Jesus each day. Those who would act against us can only take from us those thing they control. The joy of our Salvation and our Sanctification they cannot control. We might give our joy away, but they cannot take it from us.