Friday, December 31, 2010


Fifteen years ago I was facing a dilemma. How do you serve as pastor to a group of folks who on one side of the house are either fighting or looking for something to fight about; and on the other side of the house are active in the KKK? It didn’t take long to identify the need as the willingness to be reconciled to one another. This is accomplished through forgiveness.

This need caused me to start a study on forgiveness as it is taught in Scripture. It didn’t take long to realize that the way it was taught is a far-sight from the way it is practiced. The more I studied, the more I found. The more I found the more burdened I became. It is not unusual for me to attempt to write it out when I’m trying to sort through a lot of information. That’s what happened here; I started writing.

Fast forward 15 years. It is a peculiar feeling to be holding the book “Glass Houses: The Practice of Biblical Forgiveness”. It has been a long trail with a number of bumps, detours, and ambushes along the way. It is an humbling experience as I remember the many “discussions” I had to attempt to untangle. In the real world it called an “argument”, when it’s about church doings, it’s called a “discussion.”

If you feel led to read what finally washed out as the final product, I would be interested in hearing what you think. Let me know.

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