Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Easter Sunday Morning

In the last few days I have taken a renewed and different look at the Easter season. What caused this renewed examination other than it’s that time of the year was an unexpected response to the season.

Prissy and I begin planning to participate in a shoot over the Easter weekend. Now Easter Sunday is my absolutely most favorite time to be preaching. Since retiring from the ministry I miss being in the pulpit on Easter Sunday morning more than any other time. Now it occurred to me that here was an opportunity that would have meaning to Cowboy Shooters, the opportunity to have Sunrise Services on Easter Sunday morning on the cowboy range. It was in this mindset that I made inquiry if this was possible. I was thinking perhaps arrangements had already been made since Easter was about a month away, but if they have not, then I would certainly be willing to conduct the services. Their response was a reality check.

First, we were confronted with the reality that the club we were planning to visit was the home club for a couple of shooters having a completely different perspective on this season. The first was a cowboy of the Jewish persuasion. To say he was less than excited about the idea would be an extreme understatement. Then, as if that was not enough resistance, the club is also home to an avowed atheist. Needless to say, this cowboy wanted nothing of the sort being conducted anywhere close to his territory.

I have a preference to reduce things to their lowest common denominator. Doing this helps me get my mind around complicated things in a way that I can grasp what it is all about. I started thinking about Easter. What is Easter all about and what is it about Easter that would cause some to respond in such a negative and emotional manner?

Simply stated, Easter is about reconciliation. It was God’s method of “reconciling” us to Himself. That is a good thing, I thought. But what is “reconcile”? Simply stated, reconcile is God’s way of bringing about a changed relationship. Since it is the sin in our lives and heart that makes us the enemy of God, being “reconciled” to God changes us from being His enemy to being His children. There is only one way that we can have peace with God and that is through Jesus. (Romans 5:1)

We all know folks who thrive in conflict. If there is nothing to fight or fuss over, they’ll invent it. It seems that Easter Sunday morning is no exception. We will be in our home church Easter Sunday morning.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How do you do Sir? My name is Shannow The Jerusalem Man, (Max) I am a retired U.S. Marine I currently work in Northern Iraq as a security specialist. I have been a Christian since I was 17 however I have not rode for the brand till 1995 15 APRIL. I found your website as I have just recently joined the CAS club. I have found 2 such sites as yours and I truly am happy that I have. Anyway long way around the tree, I hope that you have a great Easter Service at your local body and I wish I could attend. I too find Easter to be a grand celebration unfortunatly I will have a limited celebration here this year as I am in a Moslem country. I guess reading your post brought home how far away I am again from all that I hold dear. So if you get around to it please pray for me and my family.
Sincerly Max Woodside
email: maximus_005@hotmail.com