Tuesday, April 1, 2008

For or Against?

Digital photos are nice. You shoot the pictures and stick them in a folder on the computer and there they sit until you decide to flip through the folder. I was looking at last years shooting photos and I couldn’t help thinking about all the cowboys and gals we had shot with. I begin to wonder, “Why do some of these shoot cowboy?” In the photos some are happy, obviously having a good time. Some are intense. It’s good to have your mind on what your doing. Some appear to be in pain and there were a few who appeared angry.

There are as many reasons for engaging in this game as there are folks. Some of the reasons are deeply personal and will never be voiced. Some have to nothing to do with the game but are more political in nature. I know a few shooters who are there for the competition. It makes little difference what they shoot, spit-balls or cannon. What’s important is that they are in competition with someone else.

Thinking about this question of “Why do it?” I’ve come to the conclusion that fundamentally there are only two reasons to go through all this trouble and expense. We are either shooting “for” or we are shooting “against.” I know that when Prissy first started shooting she did it “for” me. She was already dressing and helping in the administration of the match and she knew how much I wanted her to join me on the firing line. The personal “for” came later.

As I flip through the photos I see “that look” of intensity. The expressions when a cowboy or gal gets “zoned in” and are attempting to git’er done as quickly as possible. These are shooting “against” all the others in the game that day. They do not appear to be enjoying themselves and it’s not until after the match and they have won that the smile and satisfaction is apparent.

Then there is that great part of shooters who enjoy the game for what it is, a game. These are those who shoot “for” the game itself. Those who are shooting “against” are missing the good part. Prissy had it right when she said, “If I had fun, I won.”

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