Thursday, May 29, 2008

Earning the Right

TV news commentators never cease to amaze me. They will pick a occurrence they consider news worthy and report it like it is the last important thing in the world. Then in their never ceasing effort to insult the intelligence of every viewer of their broadcast, they will pick some brain dead person who is unable to express themselves and ask them what they think. Of all the people standing around watching their little show at the time it was shot, what caused them to pick that particular individual?
There was a time when honor was strong within the police fraternity. Often you life depended upon knowing that the man behind you could be trusted to do what he had to do. If one of these demonstrated himself as a Judas other officers would have nothing to do with him. He then joined the ranks of the sick, the lame, and the lazy. That means he was assigned to a desk. Few listened much to what he had to say for he had not earned the right to be heard. When the political atmosphere changed and officers learned they could advance themselves at the expense of their fellow officers, everyone became worthy to express their opinion. After all, they now had an agenda and the political atmosphere found its strength in numbers.
What makes an individual worthy of being heard? What happened to earning the right to speak? In the same manner that respect is earned not assigned; creditability must be earned, it is not automatic. The news folks search for someone willing to voice an opinion agreeable to their agenda. What happened to honor? What happened to the value of experience and individual creditability? When did honor and truth become a casuality?
I fear that honor and creditability has gone the way of silence. We have lost our appreciation of being still and realizing that God is all around us. Knowing God has been replaced by noise. It seems that honor and creditability are causalities of agendas. These have been replaced by anyone’s opinion that is found agreeable.

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